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Akashic Healing has a number of workshops and events which are suitable for individuals and groups. Learn more below.

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I am able to customise workshops and events to suit your organisation's needs.


Self Care sessions are most popular with groups of females. They generally have three aspects to them:


Creating Personal Affirmations after a quick Getting To Know You activity to generate trust, flowing into The Importance of Gratitude Practice and concluding with a guided meditation or relaxation, empowering each participant to go into a deep state of relaxation, as well as connecting the first two sessions in their hearts.


I have designed and delivered sessions on Stress Management & Mindfulness for Year 7 and Year 10 students as part of their STEM and Wellbeing Programs respectively. I delivered the programs to different groups. Activities comprised information about what stress is and its impact on us, writing affirmations, and the importance of gratitude and meditation/mindfulness activities.


I have participated in AB Central's community events. For the Youth Wellness Day, I ran a series of activities on affirmations, gratitude, paying our blessings forward, and provided access to try alternative healing strategies, including sound, meditation and reiki. For the Elderly Community Luncheon, I offered free healing sessions comprising reiki and tuning forks. This resulted in a temporary, free Healing Clinic at AB Central.


Customised programs can be a one-off event or workshop or can comprise a regular series. The choice is yours. Together, we can customise a program to suit your organisation or social circle’s specific needs. 

The initial consultation costs $80,


To develop, write and prepare the resources for a customised program costs $100 per hour. The resources can take up to three hours to prepare depending on the number of participants.


The actual delivery of the program is $200 per hour. This includes travel costs within an hour of my home address.

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The following Individual Services can be conducted face to face or via Zoom.



($100 per hour)


I mentor adults in Life Writing, including memoir, and also utilise writing to enable and empower healing from trauma. This is a flexible program. We edit and craft together, and I provide healing support as we journey. Two prior clients have had their books published.

($175 per hour | Minimum 4 Sessions)


This is a specialised program utilising Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) to dissolve the intense emotions related to trauma. Healing sessions generally last for 1 to 1 1/2 hours (initial consultation). We start with a chat to work out what you would like to heal from, we discuss the different approaches, and then we commence our work. We finish with a discussion about the next steps to empower you to heal by focusing on the most powerful triggers.

($150 per hour)


Using a combination of reiki, sound, sage and crystals, I will rebalance your chakras (energy centres) and/or provide you with relaxation that could empower healing of a specific area in your body. The combinations include just reiki, just sound, reiki and sound, reiki and tuning forks, reiki and Tibetan bowls, reiki and drumming, and reiki and voice.

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WRITING TO HEAL     ($35 per session)


If you have ever been told that you should write your story, or you have thought you would like to write your own story, but haven't known how or where to start, this introductory workshop is for you.


Over four sessions, you will find out how to face a blank page to get started, develop the confidence to keep writing, and receive support to actually write using a variety of techniques.


A private Facebook group with lifetime access plus the support of the other participants ensures these sessions are safe, supportive and empowering.

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Soul Harmony is the co-creation of Tina from Akashic Healing and Agnes from TherArty. Together, we facilitate quarterly workshops designed to empower women to live their best lives as they embrace their divine feminine. We use a range of healing modalities, incorporating a range of art therapy strategies.


Soul Harmony workshops occur on Sundays, quarterly, at Akashic Healing’s premises, from 9-3 and start at $299 per person, including refreshments and workshop materials.

($299 per person)


So many of us feel shame about aspects of our own self that stop us from living full and happy lives. The shame may be about our bodies, our sexuality, success, finances, parenting, relationships, and the list goes on and on.


This workshop incorporates several focused creative activities that will empower you to feel into the shame you feel and release it.

($299 per person)


Our lives are chaotic because we are all so busy all of the time. The focus for this workshop is grounding and being mindful, respite for a day in this crazy world of ours.


We will write, paint, create, meditate, and ground in a safe space with crazy, laughing women. We will explore our core values and create a map into more calm woven into our daily chaos.

($299 per person)


As women, regardless of how we actually look to the outside world, we can struggle with body positivity. This workshop will empower you to embrace and embody your feminine by enabling you to own your perfect self just as it is.


Being sensual means embracing your divine feminine; embracing the true essence of what makes you uniquely you.


During this day long retreat, you will engage in a variety of activities designed to empower you to embrace your whole self - your physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects.

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(November 2 2023: 11am - 3pm)​


Join us for an afternoon of dress up, dance and feasting. You do not need to identify as a witch to participate in the Witches Dance. It is a day for fun and connection. It is free except for your costume and bringing a plate and a bottle to contribute to the feast.


We will learn the dance, practise the steps, dress up and video the dance, before feasting together.


We would love for you to come, if you so feel called.

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